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Lana Gascoigne

🪓 This is Lana Gascoigne, the axe-throwing dynamo hailing from New Zealand! Throwing out of Sweet Axe Throwing in Aukland, Lana is competing in Hatchet and Big Axe at WAKTC this year, her second appearance at a World Championship. 

🎯 Lana's love for axe throwing was sparked during a team-building event organized by her office. She was a bit unsure to start, but immediately fell in love with it, and signed up for everything she could! Her distinctive rocking motion earned her the nickname "the pendulum," adding a touch of humor to her throwing style.

🤝 For Lana, the axe community is a source of support and encouragement, making her proud to embody inclusivity, respect, and a giving spirit. She values the camaraderie and fun-loving spirit of throwers who don't take things too seriously. She loves to meet new and diverse people through the sport and finds them one of the most supportive bunch of humans there are.


🏆 Her two most memorable moments are; winning her first league at Axe & Grind in Victoria, Canada, and facing off against the 2021 World Champ, Mike Philabaum, during the 2021 World Champs (and according to her, not embarrassing herself or completely bombing out LOL).

💬 At her venue, Lana has a unique way of calling killshots. They call them “Sweet Spots”, so listen for the call of "Sweeeettt spoooott!!!" if you are near her lane when she is competing!


💼 As an Electronic Technician with a 25-year job tenure, Lana's dedication to axe throwing shines, and her commute through Auckland traffic becomes a breeze when she enters her happy place—the axe-throwing venue!


🌍 Lana looks forward to the 2024 WAKTC, excited to represent New Zealand alongside all her fellow international throwers, especially her fellow home venue thrower Brittany!

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