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Kyle Durrant

If you haven’t met him you soon will, here’s Kyle Durrant out of Cascadia Axe Throwing Company in Medford Oregon! Kyle has been throwing for 31 seasons! He’s been casually throwing knives, axes, and doing archery since he was a kid.

Kyle started competing after doing QATL (Quarantine axe throwing league) during the COVID lockdowns. He’s the kind of person who needs activities that have a meditative nature to them. Axe throwing gives him a space to go to that is calming and beneficial for his mental health.


He also loves traveling and meeting so many like-minded people. Next season he wants to complete a Hatchet league with a 59 Avg. He has also finished in second place so many times he can’t count anymore, so he would really love to get that elusive first-place Hatchet finish at a tournament.


His first major and first tournament ever was Angrywood in 2021! It made such a huge impact on him, meeting people from the community that he’d been online friends with through QATL and more, and being able to throw with some really great people! He went to Worlds after that as a maker and then focused his 2022 year on going to almost every tournament and
getting a Worlds bid from there. Angrywood is next up, and then Pro-Am in November right after The Westside Special 2 tournament (the second tournament hosted by his venue this year!).


While always interested in meeting new people he has not only met all the throwers he looks up to in Axe throwing, many of them he calls his best friends. He does like to remind us how axe throwing works with a quite famous quote “Sharp end bud!” While not throwing his interests outside of Axe Throwing are NSFW. Oh and Disc Golf.

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